How do I take care of myself?

While undergoing blood cancer treatment, it is important to prioritize adequate rest and listen to your body’s needs. Following a nutritious diet guided by a registered Ayurvedic practitioner or nutritionist …

When to see a doctor?

See a doctor immediately if you experience persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss, frequent infections, or unusual bleeding.

How long can one live with blood cancer?

Due to varying types and factors, blood cancer survival rates vary considerably. With proper management, some people live for many years while others may face more challenges. Regular monitoring and …

Who is at risk of blood cancer?

While exact causes are unclear, risk factors for blood cancer include age, family history, and exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential for personalized risk …

Does family history matter?

Absolutely. If someone in your family has kidney cancer, it might increase your risk. Knowing is half the battle. Keep your healthcare team in the loop.

Can I prevent kidney cancer?

Yes, you can! Healthy habits like eating well, staying active, and kicking bad habits like smoking to the curb can significantly lower your risk.

Is kidney cancer painful?

Only sometimes. In the early stages, you might not feel a thing. But as it grows or spreads, you might experience pain in your side or lower back. It’s always …