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Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

When the cells in the prostate, a crucial organ of the male reproductive system, grow uncontrollably, it leads to prostate cancer. It has been a grave health hazard majorly in America and across the globe too. As per American Cancer Society’s estimates, 2023 recorded approximately 2,88,300 prostate cancer cases with a staggering death count of 34,700. 

While prostate cancer may affect men irrespective of their age and ethnicity, elderly and black Hispanic males are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. While the exact causes of prostate cancer are yet to be identified, watching out for the identifiable symptoms, opting for periodic health screenings can help you and your loved ones seek necessary preventive, treatment and management measures. 

Types of Prostate Cancer

Understanding the type of prostate cancer is crucial in seeking on-time and appropriate treatment and preventive interventions.



This is the most common type of prostate cancer, accounting for nearly all cases. It originates in the gland cells responsible for producing prostate fluid.

Small cell carcinoma

Small cell carcinoma

Small cell carcinoma of the prostate is a rare and aggressive type of cancer that accounts for less than 1% of all prostate cancers. It arises from the neuroendocrine cells of the prostate gland.

Neuroendocrine tumors

Neuroendocrine tumors

Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the prostate are a rare type of cancer that can develop in the neuroendocrine cells of the prostate gland.

Transitional cell carcinoma

Transitional cell carcinoma

This type is uncommon in the prostate and more likely to originate in the bladder or urethra, spreading to the prostate in rare cases.



This is the least common type of prostate cancer. Sarcomas develop in the connective tissues of the prostate, such as muscle or bone

The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Inherited genetic mutations linked with BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, ATM, PALB2, RAD51D, RNASEL and HOXB13 and acquired genetic mutations are deemed as some of the most common causes of prostate cancer.

Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

  • Age
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Family history
  • Diet
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Chemical exposure
  • Prostate inflammation
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Vasectomy

There are no definitive tests or screening methods to arrive at a conclusive prostate cancer diagnosis. However, there are screening tests that can help your healthcare provider look for prostate cancer signs and symptoms if any. For any abnormal test result, your healthcare provider may recommend a prostate biopsy to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis. 

The key diagnostic measures for prostate cancer identification include:

Prostate-specific Antigen Test – Prostate-specific antigen is a protein that is formed by the cells in the prostate gland. A PSA amount of less than or equal to 4 ng/mL is considered the normal range and doesn’t set off the alarm of prostate cancer. However, more than 4 ng/mL of PSA may necessitate further screening for prostate cancer. There are definitive aspects that may cause PSA levels to be higher or lower than the normal range and are not linked with cancer. It is recommended to opt for periodic health screenings to stay vigilant. 

Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) – This involves a physical mode of checking for prostate enlargements through the rectal channel. In case any mass or lumps are felt, which are not hemorrhoids, your healthcare provider may recommend a PSA test or ask you to repeat the test after an interval. 

Imaging Scans – MRIs, and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) can be administered to get a better look at the prostate gland and identify any cancerous abnormalities.

Prostate Biopsy – If your initial PSA test results are high, your healthcare provider may recommend a biopsy, in which a portion of the prostate is examined under the microscope. This is a definitive test to diagnose prostate cancer and gauge its progression and outlook.

Stage I and II (Localized Prostate Cancer):

Stage I and II are considered low-risk prostate cancer, which can be managed optimally with active surveillance and may not require immediate treatment. However, for individuals with exceptionally higher risks, radical prostatectomy (surgical removal of the prostate gland), external beam radiation therapy or internal radiation therapy/brachytherapy are often recommended by healthcare providers. 

Stage III (Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer):

For Stage III prostate cancers, healthcare providers and multidisciplinary oncology teams recommend surgery, radiation therapy, androgen deprivation therapy, or a combination of hormone and targeted therapies. The core objective at this phase is to restrict the cancer progression to neighboring organs. 

Stage IV (Advanced Prostate Cancer):

Androgen deprivation therapy, chemotherapy, external beam radiation therapy, radical prostatectomy with PLND, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy are the most recommended prostate cancer treatment modalities for stage IV prostate cancer. 

Surgical Interventions – Surgery is often considered a safe choice for treating and eliminating prostate cancer. Open prostatectomy and laparoscopic prostatectomy are the two prime surgical procedures administered to remove the cancer-affected prostate. Open prostatectomy can be categorized into radical retropubic prostatectomy and radical perineal prostatectomy while laparoscopic prostatectomy can be laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical intervention leveraged to remove non-cancerous growths in the prostate. 

Radiation Therapy – This type of treatment with high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells can be recommended for various stages of prostate cancer. External beam therapy, brachytherapy (international radiation) and radiopharmaceuticals (medications containing radiation) – the type of radiation therapy will be selected by your oncologist based on the stage of prostate cancer and your health aspects. 

Cryotherapy – This treatment modality is recommended if a patient can’t undergo surgery as well as radiation therapy or if the cancer has relapsed even after radiation treatment. 

Hormone Therapy – Androgen hormone is known to fuel prostate cancer growth in men. Androgen suppression therapy or androgen deprivation therapy is a popular hormone therapy, which is used to restrict the androgen levels in the bloodstream. 

Chemotherapy – This variant of prostate cancer treatment leverages various recommended drugs to eliminate cancerous cells. Oncologists recommended this across various stages of prostate cancer, especially when hormone therapy fails to yield the desired result. 

Immunotherapy – The objective of this treatment modality is to trigger an individual’s immune system to identify and arrest cancer proliferation. Sipuleucel-T vaccine, the latest innovation in the prostate cancer treatment sphere, is known to be effective. 

Targeted Therapy 

Poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors are leveraged under the targeted therapy domain to eliminate cancer cells. Unlike chemo and hormone therapy, these targeted drugs don’t have any side effects and thus, can be considered safe and effective.

You can prevent/manage prostate cancer by:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Opt for a balanced diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stay hydrated
  • Opt for regular screening tests

The survival rate of Prostate cancer is at least 5 years after diagnosis.

survial arrow

The survival rate for prostate cancer is promising, with more than 85% of patients surviving for at least 5 years after diagnosis. Additionally, almost 80% of patients survive for 10 years or more, it highlighting the favorable outcomes across all stages of the disease.

How Punarjan Clinic Treats Prostate Cancer?

How Punarjan Clinic Treats Prostate Cancer?

At Punarjan Clinic, our commitment to health transcends conventional approaches. Rooted in the ancient science of Rasayana Ayurveda, we embark on a journey to restore balance and vitality to the body, addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of prostate cancer.

Our distinctive treatment approach involves a carefully curated sequence of herbal formulations, detoxification therapies, specialized dietary plans, and lifestyle adjustments. This systematic chain of interventions is designed to harmonize the body’s natural processes, fostering a healing environment.

Recognizing the emotional and psychological challenges that accompany a prostate cancer diagnosis, we cultivate a compassionate space. Here, individuals can openly share their hopes, fears, and worries with our trained counselors. Our mission extends beyond physical well-being; we empower people to find inner strength, promoting a healthy and peaceful life.

The sacred doctor-patient connection is at the core of our philosophy, fostering open communication and trust. Tracking development and making necessary adjustments require a comprehensive strategy that merges traditional Ayurvedic wisdom with contemporary diagnostic methods.

By choosing Punarjan Clinic, one commits to the optimal healing approach. Respecting nature’s power, receiving personalized care, and becoming part of a compassionate community are integral to this journey. We invite you to embark on a path towards health, happiness, and a future free of prostate cancer together.


Success Stories


Punarjan Clinic saved my life. When I was told I had eye cancer and needed more tests and chemotherapy, I felt scared. But then I found this hospital.

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Punarjan Clinic has been a ray of hope for Bibi, suffering from Colon cancer. She was told that without tumor removal, survival was unlikely, leaving her unable to eat or drink and in immense pain.

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Book An Appointment

Please reach out to us to schedule your appointment. Your well-being is our priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the common symptoms of prostate cancer?

    Symptoms of prostate cancer, such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination and blood in urine, can be easily confused with other health complications. However, if you are experiencing pelvic pain or discomfort in combination with any of the above symptoms, consider consulting your healthcare provider immediately. 

  • How is prostate cancer diagnosed?

    Prostate cancer diagnosis involves

    • Digital rectal exam (DRE)
    • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test
    • Imaging scans
    • Prostate biopsy
  • What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?

    Risk factors of prostate cancer may include age, family history, race (higher incidence in African-American men), and certain genetic dispositions. Being aware of these risk factors can help you seek on-time diagnosis and treatment. 

  • Can prostate cancer be prevented?

    Preventing prostate cancer can be challenging owing to the multifaceted risk factors. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, opting for regular exercise, and a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help you manage the risks effectively.

  • What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?

    Treatment may involve active surveillance, surgery (prostatectomy), radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Based on the prostate cancer stage and your health factors, your oncologist will recommend the best course of treatment and management.

  • Is prostate cancer hereditary?

    If you have a family history of prostate cancer, you might be at a higher risk. Your healthcare provider may recommend genetic counseling as a preventive and way forward measure.

  • Can prostate cancer be cured?

    Prognosis of prostate cancer often depends on the cancer stage, type, and treatment response. Early detection and comprehensive treatment may help you achieve a favorable outlook.